Meet Tushar Roy: Ritz-Carlton Bengaluru, Karnataka Meet Tushar Roy. Twenty Seven years old. Manager of the club lounge on the fifteenth floor at the Ritz-Carlton in Bengaluru. Mr. Roy conducts evening art tours showcasing the highlights among the 1250 pieces of artwork at the hotel. He calls it “The Bubbly Art Tour”; drinks are served and the tour is followed by the Mashal (torch) lighting evening ceremony, out on the hotel portico, adjacent to the entrance’s decorative pool and right next to the Picasso lifelike sculpture, with the artist bored in his rocking chair. The Mashal lighting is a Jaipur tradition, Mr. Roy informed me. (Photos of the Mashaal ceremony courtesy of Mr. Tushar) Photo below from the hotel Facebook page: Mr. Roy very kindly agreed to give me my own private viewing of the collection, before my afternoon flight. Our tour took place at 11:30am, after breakfast was served at the lounge and just before lunch started. Tush...
This blog is about People, places, and anecdotes from life in India. The in-depth personal profiles are longer pieces featuring creative innovators.