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Meet Nitesh Shetty: Ritz Carlton Hotel, Bangaluru Thanksgiving Day Nov. 23, 2023

Nov. 23, 2023 - Thanksgiving Day - in Bangaluru 

Entering the Ritz Carlton in Bangaluru, a life-sized bronze Picasso should clue the guests that this is not ordinary hotel. In fact, Walking through the halls of the Ritz Carlton is walking in an art gallery; Exquisite paintings by famous artists from many parts of the world are on view here. 

A lifesize bronze sculpture of a bored Pablo Picasso by Robert st. Croix (sculpted in 2003) greets visitors outdoors, at the entrance to the hotel. He is sitting on a rocking chair, arms folded, looking totally unamused. Robert St. Croix is an American sculptor based out of Florida. This sculpture is part of a series entitled "Homage to the Masters" and inspired by their work - as can be seen in these pictures below: Picasso sitting in his favorite chair, and two of his many paintings of women in this rocking chair.

The Art and Soul Gallery in Mumbai has curated this collection for the Ritz, as part of its public works of decorating hotels and airports around India. Its website tells us that the Ritz Carlton has 1250 art pieces by major Indian artists and some internationally renowned artists. Sculptures and paintings are scattered on every floor and the hotel's staff offer a 45-minute guided tour of the artwork.

The hotel is also famous for its motif of latticework that can be seen on various wooden panels in the rooms and in the public spaces. You see it on the window blinds and carved in room partitions; designs on the elevator doors echo the same, as do the drinking glasses in the bathroom.  

The hotel is owned by Nitesh and his name is on the side of each painting. A quick googling revealed him to be Nitesh Shetty, a young entrepreneur who has various investments in multiple ventures, including “Nitesh Land” - the real estate side of his company. He is a former tennis and cricket player. He is a 42 year-old billionaire with great art advisors.

                                                           Canvas by Satish Gupta


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