On Sunday, November 19, 2023, the cricket world cup final between Australia and India took place in Ahmedabad. India was proud to host the Cricket World Cup this year, just as it hosted the G20 and also, just as it achieved a first in space exploration with landing near the lunar South Pole - all in this landmark year of 2023 for India.
The morale in India kept rising as match after match, India made it to the quarter finals, semi finals, and at last, the finals. On the way, India beat Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh (Victory over the two countries that separated from India), New Zealand, England (victory over the colonizers), Sri Lanka, South Africa (victory over the country that humiliated many Indians historically during the apartheid movement), the Netherlands, and New Zealand in the semi finals.
The tournaments took place in ten venues around the nation: In Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Dharamsala, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, and Pune. (See table below).
Fans were all poised for a final victory on Nov. 19th that seemed very promising during the first quarter of the game. Australia won by a small margin.
The defeat was labeled in India as a “major heartbreak” and a “national disappointment”. One company made news by granting its employers a day off as a day of mourning and recovery.
India would do well to rejoice in its victories. Making it to the final is fodder enough to raise the morale of a nation and bring to the attention of the world India's potential.
The table below is from Wikepedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Cricket_World_Cup
ICC stands for the International Cricket Council ODI stands for One Day International
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